What team does Obama bat for again? While Hilldog and Obama use every opportunity to talk down about the Mohammad video they could care less about respecting the Christian community here on our own grass. It’s almost unfair to the 85% of Americans that associate themselves with the Christian faith. On display tonight at the tax payer funded National Endowmnet for the Arts you can see the true display of american rights. It is very interesting to us the White House response to a video degrading Mohammad, compaired to a painting Jesus covered in urine. Also, I have not seen any Christians burning art building and killing innocent bystanders associated with government agencies. What percentage of Americans are Muslim again???? 40 days of prayer begins today. Clearly prayer is needed for our country. Obama said yeaterday, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Mohammad. What is he really saying here? President of Iran said the same thing just hours later. Our nation is still under attack. I ask again, what team is our President playing for?

Could 2012 be America ‘s Last Presidential Election?

By Michael Savage

I’ve asked this question to a number of people and most of them respond as if I were crazy. They tell me that this is America , land of the free, and that there will always be elections. I tell them that we are no longer the land of the free and that if Obama gets
Re-elected in 2012 that this just may be America ‘s last election.

In the past three years, the Obama administration has been very carefully crafting the nation for a political take over by his Marxist regime and this isn’t just my opinion.

Popular radio talk show host (of the Savage Nation on the Talk Radio Network), Michael Savage, is the son of Russian immigrants and is very familiar with Soviet and European history. Savage warned his listeners this week saying, “I have to tell you that if this man, God forbid, is the next president of the United States, we’re going to be living in something along the lines of – people say – Europe. I don’t believe it’s going to be like Europe – I think it will be closer to Chavez’s South American dictatorship.

“This is the most corrupt, incompetent, dangerous tyrannical administration in American history. It’s not politics as usual. It’s not just Democrats versus Republicans. Obama has a long history of being at odds with American values and with America itself and the core principles of this country. They don’t want government-sponsored opinions. They only want government-sponsored ‘Pravda.’ That’s exactly what the government-media complex tells you on a daily basis – nothing but the government-media complex party line. Pay attention! Your freedom may be at stake!

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum told a small group of people in an Iowa coffee house that “Barack Obama is not incompetent, ladies and gentleman. He knows exactly what he’s doing and why he’s doing it. He sees America differently than you see America .”

[Obama] has gone out of his way to divide this country in a way I haven’t seen since the Great Depression when Franklin Roosevelt went around to divide his country. That’s his hero. What makes America great [in Obama’s mind] is that the government takes money from somebody and gives it to somebody else. No, that’s what makes America , France .

“With his control over the Executive and Judicial branches of the government, the stage is set for a complete takeover of the government. Think about it! Since taking office, instead of helping the economy, Obama has purposely escalated the economic crisis by plunging the country into unprecedented debt. He has a number of programs that are designed to go into effect in January 2013, just in time for his second term of office. The economic burden and increased taxes on everyone will be enough to cause the final economic collapse of the country. As soon as that happens, Obama declares Martial Law and assumes dictatorial control of the nation.

The Department of Justice has already been subverting federal laws to strip us of a number of freedoms. The Supreme Court and many of the other federal courts have been seeded with socialistic liberal judges that will rule in Obama’s favor on virtually anything, thus ending constitutional rule and law.

He’s already changing the face of America ‘s military. Allowing homosexuals to openly serve along with changing the retirement program is causing many conservative military leaders to resign commissions and leave the military. Some Pentagon officials are also noting that an increase in the enlistment of radical Muslims into the US military where they get all the training they need on weapons and defense systems. We have no idea how many of them there are in the armed forces or in what positions they may hold.

Obama has been wielding executive powers this past year as if he were already a dictator. When Congress is not doing his bidding, he simply bypasses them and uses an executive order to accomplish it anyway. This has set the stage for his disbandment of Congress. He would not be the first world leader to take control of a nation and disband the legislative branch of government.

He has been effectively using the media to anesthetize the public to the dangers he poses. Like a patient being prepped for surgery, people are numb to the changes and won’t have a clue what took place until they wake up in recovery and realize that free America has been removed and replaced with a regime that may parallel those of Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Chavez and Castro.

If you think your vote counts in this election..  watch this and then wonder how you can help locally.  While watching this remember that 150 security groups laughed at the software and ease of changing spreadsheets and compared them to 7th grade math…  Pathetic, watch and see for yourselves..


The Fed just changed the game.

Posted: September 13, 2012 in Uncategorized

Whereas in the past, the Fed always set a defined amount of Fed purchases, this time they’re saying that the easing will continue until morale improves.

This is a major change.

They’ve now said to businesses and banks and everyone else that they will not let up and tighten conditions until things are much better.


If you haven’t been paying attention, this is a move towards the hot new idea in monetary policy ideas.


By Joe Weisenthal

Here are the key paragraphs from today’s Fed announcement …

To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure   that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual   mandate, the Committee agreed today to increase policy accommodation by   purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40   billion per month. The Committee also will continue through the end of the   year its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities   as announced in June, and it is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting   principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed   securities in agency mortgage-backed securities. These actions, which together   will increase the Committee’s holdings of longer-term securities by about $85   billion each month through the end of the year, should put downward pressure   on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make   broader financial conditions more accommodative.

The Committee will   closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in   coming months. If the outlook for   the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue   its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset   purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such   improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. In   determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the   Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and   costs of such purchases.

Video  —  Posted: September 12, 2012 in Uncategorized

Video  —  Posted: September 12, 2012 in Uncategorized

Watch Obama’s actions, not his words! By his actions he will show you where America is headed.

When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist. He firmly believes that more “global governance” (the elite don’t like to use the term “global government”) will make the world a much better place. Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the “global community”. Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements. He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House. Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime”. If you do not want to live in a “global regime” that is just too bad. To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emergingglobal system. Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world. This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system. Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate theUnited States more deeply with the rest of the world. The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy. Now federal regulators will be required to “harmonize” their work with the international community. The following is how this new executive order was assessed in a recent Businessweek article….

Obama’s order provides a framework to organize scattered efforts to promote international regulatory cooperation, the chamber’s top global regulatory official said today.

“Today’s executive order marks a paradigm shift for U.S. regulators by directing them to take the international implications of their work into account in a consistent and comprehensive way,” Sean Heather, vice president of the chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, said in an e-mailed statement.

Members of the Obama administrationare touting this as a way to “reduce regulation”, but the truth is that this is much more about aligning ourselves with the rest of the world than anything else.

Obama’s “Information Czar”, Cass Sunstein, authored a piece in the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he stressed the need to eliminate “unnecessary regulatory differences across nations” so that the United States can compete more effectively in our “interdependent global economy”. The end result of this process will be that we will now do things much more like how the rest of the world does things….

In an interdependent global economy, diverse regulations can cause trouble for companies doing business across national boundaries. Unnecessary differences in countries’ regulatory requirements can cost money, compromising economic growth and job creation. Think of divergent requirements for car headlights, or the labeling of food, or standards for container sizes.

Recognizing this, President Obama’s Jobs Council has called for U.S. agencies to better align U.S. regulations with those of our major trading partners. And today the president is issuing an executive order, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation,” with a simple goal: to promote exports, growth, and job creation by eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences across nations.

But a one world economic system is not going to arrive overnight. Initially, it is much more likely that there will be a very strong push toward North American integration first. The goal will be to shape North America into an integrated regional economic unit similar to the EU. Cass Sunstein discussed how this new executive order will affect North American integration on the White House website on Tuesday….


THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Obama has signed 923 Executive Orders in 40 months!

What did Congress do in those 40 months?

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes oftransportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates theof all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.


QE3, then…

Posted: August 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

QE 3 will no doubt be one step away from hyperinflation. Details coming soon.

ImageAmerica is about to be put through the meat grinder and despite what President Obama or Governor Mitt Romney say they will do to fix the fundamental issues facing our country, the end result is inevitable.

Neither the Republicans or the Democrats can change what’s coming, because the fact is, they are equally responsible for where we are today.

As Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News notes, it’s no longer just bloggers  and alternative media in the fringe corners of the internet warning about the coming collapse of life in America as we have come to know it.

The crisis of reality is being forecast by some of the most elite institutions and insiders in the world, and we’d better be paying attention.

I want to give you a few predictions and then tell I’ll you who they’re from. It might surprise you.

Prediction number 1: We’re heading headlong into a financial meat grinder.

Prediction number 2: We’re about to plunge off a financial cliff.

Prediction number 3: Major market meltdown the likes of which we’ve never seen is upon on us.

This wasn’t from some alternative media site or somebody that’s peddling gloom and doom.

The first one is from JP Morgan, the second from Ben Bernanke, and the third was from Steven Rattner, former Obama Treasury adviser.

The IMF and the US Congressional budget office are both warning about the largest tax increase and the largest spending cut in history hitting this country.

They’re doing this for a reason. 

It isn’t because it’s not going to happen. It is because it’s going to happen.


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